The proximity sensor is quite simply the most visible sensor on any full plate some phones do a better job of hiding it into the bezel for what it's worth. It's pretty visible nonetheless. But it's not the only sense on the smart phone as it turns out these things come to act with a number of sensors which makes me wonder what exactly are there for. what all sensors your phone has using this app called sensor box for android. Proximity Sensor Taking a look at the proximity sensor first. It basically reacts when something gets close enough to the front of your Android device how it works is by emitting in I have been an addict in changes in the return signal. It is commonly only used during the screen or when you answer a call to say back to late and to prevent accidental screen that is from the cheek. But they have been some really imaginative uses of the sensor, Magneto metric Sensor The magneto meters one sensor that most of us p...
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